Brittany Simburger
Fundraising Coach
What gets you excited about coaching?
Being able to help someone who feels stuck, overcome challenges and succeed.
What's your #1 tip for gaining new funding partners?
My tip would be to meet with people in person. Most of the time they respond more with personal interaction.
Tell us about a time where you helped someone overcome a significant barrier to successful fundraising.
While coaching a friend of mine on fundraising, It became evident that it felt more like a chore that she would rather avoid. After talking it through, she gained a different perspective. The shift in perspective was about task vs. relationship. This changed her approach to be more intentional with each person, and gave her the motivation she needed.
Where can we find you on the weekends?
Spending time with my friends, planning our next adventure.
Where have you served as a missionary?
I served in Hong Kong and other parts of Asia, as well as Vancouver, Canada.