Daniel Lowe

Fundraising Coach

What gets you excited about coaching?

I get fired up by the opportunity to help other people accomplish their dreams. I love being able to use my tools, resources, and question asking to draw visionary dreaming and practical productivity out of people so that they can step into what God has prepared for them.

What's your #1 tip for gaining new funding partners?

Be yourself...only more organized. Spend time behind closed doors prepping, creating systems, and practicing, so that when you get in front of people you're able to be even more genuine, comfortable, and prepared. Diligence behind closed doors creates freedom as you connect with partners!

Tell us about a time where you helped someone overcome a significant barrier to successful fundraising.

I recently had a conversation with a friend working to fundraise for 2 years of ministry in a local church. He was intimidated by the entire process and couldn't understand why he should ask people for money. He and I talked for a while about reframing his perspective towards inviting people into what God is doing- inviting them into deeper ministry, all while he also gets to minister to them through their giving. He left the conversation excited and eager to get started!

Where can we find you on the weekends?

Outside with my wife and daughter. Hiking, biking, cutting the grass with my daughter in a backpack on my back, or in the river fly fishing. I'm even writing this answer while sitting on my back porch enjoying the evening sunset!

Where have you served as a missionary?

My wife and I served overseas in Ireland for 3 years and then at our organization's US sending office as well.