Deb Evans
Lead Coach & Trainer
What gets you excited about coaching?
I love to share stories and the biblical principles of fundraising that I experienced in my own life, so missionaries can understand the benefits every partner receives when they give. This takes the focus off the missionary and puts it on God and His work in all of us: the missionary, the partner and the people they serve.
What's your #1 tip for gaining new funding partners?
Take risks. Do what is uncomfortable for the sake of advancing the Kingdom.
Tell us about a time where you helped someone overcome a significant barrier to successful fundraising.
There was a client who was so afraid to invite people to partner that he would share his message but never ask them a direct yes or no question around financial partnership. This went on for weeks and he made no progress in fundraising. I finally asked him, "What is the cost of not inviting people to partner?" He answered, "People won't hear about Jesus because I won't make it there to tell them."
We prayed together, and I challenged him to choose a couple scripture passages to memorize around fear and boldness, put them on his dashboard, and to pray for boldness in the car before he went in to give his presentation. He also put pictures of foreign people on his dashboard to remind him that he wasn't asking for himself. He was asking on their behalf, that they might hear the Good News and believe. And God was gracious and good to provide a monthly partner the very first time he asked! From that moment on, he boldly invited people to join his team and he is now fully funded and on the field.
Where can we find you on the weekends?
Usually hanging out with family and in the kitchen trying a new recipe I found on the internet. We like to play a card game called Hand and Foot, listen to music, and each eat our own pint of Ben & Jerry's. We even have special pint koozies!
Where have you served as a missionary?
I served with CRU for 3 years at Cornell University. Then I met my husband on a summer project in Bangkok, Thailand. He was with Campus Outreach in Alabama. We were married a year later and served with Campus Outreach for 10 years at Jacksonville State University, UAB and the University of Montevallo. We led a summer project with college students to Thailand 10 years after our first trip, this time with our 3 children. We raised funds during our 13 years of campus ministry, we saw God do amazing things in the students' lives, our lives, AND in our partners' lives. It was awesome!! Later, my husband went to seminary and is now a pastor in Atlanta, GA and I have the privilege of helping to fulfill the Great Commission by helping God's ambassadors get to the field.