Jessica Stewart
Operations & Fundraising Coach
What gets you excited about coaching?
Helping others achieve goals they thought were impossible.
What's your #1 tip for gaining new funding partners?
Paint a picture through sharing real life stories.
Tell us about a time where you helped someone overcome a significant barrier to successful fundraising.
I recently helped one of our foreign ministry partners secure funding to come to the States in order to fundraise in person. After a lot of coaching and encouragement, they finally got the courage to reach out to some existing contacts. Even though they were nervous and unsure, especially having to communicate in a second language, they secured a scholarship from an organization to cover their travel expenses. I set up several fundraising meetings to help them with new partnerships, and they returned home with many new ministry partners. God opened so many doors, and they returned home feeling like they really can actually achieve their fundraising goals.
Where can we find you on the weekends?
At home cooking for my friends and family. I love sitting around the table for hours eating and enjoying good conversation with them.
Where have you served as a missionary?