Jordan Lyons

Fundraising Coach

Jordan Lyons

What gets you excited about coaching?

Helping people tell their stories that gets others excited about making a kingdom impact in our world.

What's your #1 tip for gaining new funding partners?

Trust our Father. Ask for big things. Get excited about who says β€œyes!”

Tell us about a time where you helped someone overcome a significant barrier to successful fundraising.

I knew someone who saw a significant decrease in her giving. After talking with her, she realised that she had neglected to see those on her giving team as partners in her work. Once she shifted her mindset, she saw her giving stabilize and later increase as she now saw those on her giving team as making an impact in her city alongside her.

Where can we find you on the weekends?

Usually outside with family and friends. We will be eating good food and laughing a lot.

Where have you served as a missionary?

In Berlin, Germany.