MaryAnne Ashley
Fundraising Coach
What gets you excited about coaching?
I’m excited about being able to share in others calling by encouraging them, walking along side and hopefully provide a bit of guidance along the way!
What's your #1 tip for gaining new funding partners?
There is definitely not ONE way or even a number one way in my opinion! But I think relationship, whether it’s with an individual or an institution, is huge in gaining trust and thereby a partnership in fund raising.
Tell us about a time where you helped someone overcome a significant barrier to successful fundraising.
I have personally found, that potential donors are actually more interested in how God is moving and working in your daily life than they are your calling/ministry to a particular country/field. I have shared with people that it’s more important to communicate your daily obedience than some grand scheme.
Where can we find you on the weekends?
I’d love to say you’d see me walking the cliffs along the Irish Sea, or hiking the trails along the grand canal. But mostly it’s at Tesco doing our grocery shopping and carting the kids around. :)
Where have you served as a missionary?
I’ve served in Dublin, Ireland for the past 4 years and prior to that, I along with my husband, fundraised for about 13 months in Reno, Nevada.