When a Paint Sprayer Spreads Vision
A missionary family was preparing to sell their home and all their belongings before leaving the country. A relative came over to borrow their paint sprayer since they had it out preparing for the move. As he listened to their story about how God called them to teach in a school in Czechoslovakia, he became intrigued.
Later, on a whim, the missionaries sent an introduction letter to their relative and called him to see if he was interested in being a part of their financial partnership team. He texted back and said, "Yes, put me down for $200 per month, and can I keep your paint sprayer while you're gone?" Of course, they said "Yes!"
A few weeks later, they saw that he posted a picture of their family with message similar to the following on his Facebook page: "Proud to support my cousin and his family as they will soon be heading off to Europe to be part of a team that will teach children about missionary work while they are in the field spreading Christianity. They will also have the opportunity to teach non-Christian children. I am happy to contribute to their cause and look forward to seeing how I can be more active with them in the future!”
We just wanted to share this story and remark on how amazing it is that the most unlikely of situations can create support and spread awareness of your mission!
Remember to not underestimate any opportunity to share what God has called you to do!