At a loss for what to write in your newsletter?

As you sit at your desk, staring at a blank screen (with only a blinking cursor to remind you that it’s still running), and wondering what to write in your monthly newsletter—let us inspire you with two simple questions.

We have been coaching a client for 11 months now, and he recently told us that he was at a complete loss for what to include in his monthly newsletter. This particular missionary has been serving in Haiti, and was unsure of what to communicate to his ministry partners, family, and friends.

He was tired of sending the normal, mundane family updates and always ending the letter by bringing up the remaining funds they still needed to raise. 

So, we asked two very simple (but very important) questions to spark a little creativity:

1. What's an example of a need that your ministry is addressing? 

2. How does your ministry meet this need?

He immediately knew that Haiti’s greatest needs are all linked to poverty. The average worker's salary in Haiti is $2.00 per day, and many Haitian workers have no skill set to even find a job.

After pondering the questions above, he wrote a gripping story about a Haitian family with 3 kids whose father had to leave Haiti in search of a job. The wife was left behind and could only provide a single meal of fish for her family each day.

Our client used his newsletter to explain how this ministry would help to provide employment for those without jobs. He had a plan to create jobs and stable income for families through training men and women with marketable skills to help them build a hospital to care for the poor. They would need concrete layers and carpenters to build the facility, and nurses to run the hospital after it was built.

By answering these two simple questions, he realized that he had a wealth of compelling stories to share in order to cast vision for the ministry. He also realized that their partners wanted to learn more about the needs of the people in Haiti and the practical, daily help their ministry was providing.

You may not even be on your ministry assignment, but you can always offer a vision-focused newsletter to educate and enlarge your partner's world as you connect them to what you are accomplishing together.

And that is what fundraising is all about.

If you would like help writing a newsletter or strategizing your organization’s mission, click here to speak with a Tailored Fundraising Coach today.


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