Clever Tips for Your Missions Intro Letter

Oftentimes your missions introduction letter is the first impression someone may have of you and the ways you want to make a difference in this world. So, it should be effective, personal, and passionate. Along with the basic guidelines of an effective letter, here are some clever tips you don't want to skip.

  • Keep it to one page.  Most people skim letters, so keep paragraphs short.

  • Include carefully selected photos, if appropriate. It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words; ensure any photos you include illustrate the need and/or the impact the ministry is making.

  • Consider using your organization’s letterhead or logo and format the letter in a creative way using the colors and symbols that represent your ministry’s focus.


  • Craft a subject line that is short and will grab the reader’s attention.

  • Don’t send the letter as an attachment. Write the letter in the body of the email and embed any photos you want to include.

  • Consider embedding a link to your organization’s website for people who might want to learn more about it.

  • Be aware that your email might not be viewed by the intended recipient because it might be recognized as junk mail and automatically sent to the junk mail folder.

  • Research shows that 51% of all emails are now opened on a mobile device. Email the letter to yourself before sending it, so that you can make any necessary adjustments for ease of reading on a phone.


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4 Components Of An Effective Missions Introduction Letter