Effective Fundraising is Possible
There's proof that when you ask for funding, even if it seems like a far reach, it may be just the type of giving someone is looking to do. And, when you follow up well, sending the necessary information can help the person make a decision to partner financially.
How effective is Tailored’s Coaching? Kathy wants to tell you her experience.
The afternoon of January 18, I participated in Tailored's free webinar, Get More Funding Without Adding More Donors. I'm interested in raising funds for the communications department at One Challenge, where I am the Director of Communication. I didn’t have any “donors” yet, but based on my previous contact with Tailored, I figured I could learn something that would help me.
Sure enough! In the webinar they explained, 1-gifts must be closely linked with impact, 2-communicate in a way donors can respond honestly and personally. Noted.
Three hours prior to that webinar, my team had met with a marketing and print consultant who assists us with print jobs. As that brochure proofing meeting ended he asked, “Is there anything else we can do for you?” I guess I had fundraising on my mind, so I jokingly said, “You could make a contribution to our department.” He went on to explain that his company does makes contributions to nonprofits like ours and explained how much it might be, promising to check into this possibility with our account.
We do regular business with this company and love their service, but we are relatively “small potatoes.” Thus, my expectation of a contribution from them toward future brochure printing was subdued. Nevertheless, I used my newly learned info from Tailored and followed up with an email later that afternoon. I wrote to them as partners, which indeed they are, and included this sentence: “Just so you can pray about this and understand how each of these brochures serves the Kingdom, I’ve put a short summary below.” This was followed by what impact each brochure was intended to have.
Less than a week later, I received an email from our consultant, “Yes, we would be honored to help OC with its mission, by donating XX% of what you spent with us last year. Thank you again for the email, and the information about your programs.”
Thank you, Lord! Thank you Tailored!
Kathy Copley
Director of Communication, One Challenge