Is Your Facebook Group Killing Your Partnership?
You can easily use social media to update your ministry and financial partners, they're natural and can be real-time ways to ask for prayer in the midst of your ministry. There's every reason to see how using social media - Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram - can be an excellent way to plug your partners into your ministry.
Let's get specific and compare creating a specialized Facebook Group for your ministry team and simply posting ministry happenings on your personal Facebook page.
FB Groups can be an easy way to intentionally share what's happening in your ministry in just a few minutes of typing. It's immediately available and can quickly notify everyone in the group of your latest ministry conversation. The speed of notification is hinging on the fact that people actually join your group and choose to be notified when you post, none of that is guaranteed.
This is only effective IF your partners check their social media where you're posting on a regular basis to get those prayer requests in real-time, and IF you follow through to post often enough to make it worthwhile to follow you. On top of that, a FB Group creates a separate thing you have to keep up with and can create a feeling of more work for you.
While posting from your personal Facebook account can allow each person connected to your account to see the integrity of your life and your mission flowing freely together. It allows you to maintain a transparency in your life and ministry that can be the intimate touch every ministry partner is looking for.
Keeping your quick ministry communication on your personal FB page allows you to invite your partners into your life in a very organic way, this allows your partners to interact with you as a part of your life. It also allows you to invite everyone who is connected to you on FB into your ministry, whether they chose to partner with you originally or not.
You're not two different people leading two different lives, so why separate out your "ministry life" from your "normal" life?