One Change Can Make Funding Take Off

We recently started working with a client to develop their company’s organizational strategy. They came into our first meeting with so many ideas and solutions to solve the problems at-risk youth are facing within their city.

There were so many great ideas laid out on the table…

The problem was, nobody really knew what they were trying to accomplish.

So many ministries focus on communicating their solution to a problem or a program they offer. But in order to really allow donors to take ownership of a ministry and want to be generous, you have to be clear about what problem you’re solving together.

At Tailored, we like to say, “The hero is only as great as the villain is bad.”

Let me explain…

If you don’t have a problem worth solving, your solution won’t mean anything to your donor. When we communicate the problem we’re trying to solve with a donor, we want them to respond, “That’s not right, we need to do something about that!”

This is when you know you have clarified your problem in a way that connects. To get there, ask yourself questions like these:

1. What would happen to the people we serve if our ministry didn’t exist?

2. What are problems the people we are serving experiencing right now?

3. Why is this problem so bad?

Clarifying the problem is probably the most important step to a powerful message for your non-profit or ministry. It’s important to be transparent about the reality of the problem so people will know the impact of what they are giving to. You want donors to solve a problem with you, not for you.

Don’t hold back when sharing the problem you are trying to fix. It is the most important piece of your ministry to share. If the problem you are trying to solve is not the worst villain your donor has ever heard of, then the solution (or hero) really isn't going to appear to be that great and your donors are not going to be motivated to fund it.

Check out our e-book, How to Get a Generous Response (almost) Every Time You Ask to find out more.


Getting Comfortable with Your Ask


Don’t Make Another Donor Call without These 4 Steps