Overcoming Fundraising Myths

When I started fundraising in 2011, I heard over and over, “Churches will only support someone within their own church.”

However, in my 5 years of being of a Tailored Fundraising Coach, I have encouraged people who didn't have a large network to simply walk into a church and see what happens.

And they are always amazed by the result.

It is estimated, about 1 out of every 10 churches that have been approached through absolutely no connection, have ended up in some kind of partnership with a ministry or cause.

The most recent success story is from our client Beth:

"I recently took a 4,767-mile support-raising trip around the eastern part of the U.S. to visit friends and family, as well as to try to gain more partners. In each city, I sent letters to nearby churches that I had no connection with—but could stop by in person. One church in North Carolina, reached out immediately saying they were interested in hearing about my story and the mission work I would be doing in Hungary. A week later, I met with two of the church leaders and during our discussion, I found out that one of them had a relative that grew up in Hungary. We were both amazed at the fact that I just 'happened' to contact their church without knowing this connection. We also realized, through the course of our discussion, that our vision for missions, regarding discipleship, aligned almost exactly. Right then, they gave me $500 for an immediate need I had and said they would be in touch about a monthly partnership. Because of the many, 'No, we can’t financially support you,’ responses I’d received from other churches, I hesitated to open the email I received a week later. I was elated when I read the words, 'I am glad to let you know our church would like to partner with you and support your ministry.' I HAD A CHURCH THAT WANTED TO PARTNER WITH ME!!! It was so refreshing and encouraging after so many no’s. I have regained my confidence to keep going and I’m excited to see how God is going to use this new partnership that started out as just a cold call."

If you are interested in multiplying your funding by working with one of our trained fundraising coaches, visit www.tailoredfundraising.com.


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