Take One Step to Build a Relationship and Find New Donors

It's not a secret that fundraising means building relationships with people. But, really, what does that mean? After all, you know you're about to leave the country and you may not have a chance to see these new people very often. So, how do you do that?

You need people to give financially in order to fulfill this calling on your life to serve others. Begin by serving your financial partners now. This will allow you to take a small step to build a genuine relationship, caring for them, and getting to know them in the present. 


Take time each week to contact one donor, ask that donor for a prayer request,  and then share a changed life ministry story. This will give you a chance to gently ask someone if they'd like to be involved in changing these lives along with you. 

Be sure to block off time once or twice a week to make phone calls, connect with people, and have a simple conversation about your passion to impact this world.

If you don't know how to develop a true partnership relationship, then we can help. If you have fears around asking for money and how to develop true partnership relationships, we can train you to explain your funding goals in a relational way.


Susie Berner, Fundraising Coach

You can usually find me at the beach, swimming in the pool, or planting a garden and keeping my fingers crossed that something will grow. Coaching missionaries to catch a vision for the potential and privilege of building a financial partnership team is amazing. I love it when a missionary gains the confidence and determination to build a team, and then sends me an email when they are fully funded!


Provide a Generous Moment


The Power of a Thank You Note