Before You Leave
It's easy to come up with a list of things we need to do before we leave, but it's rare that we plan out the people we want to connect with before leaving in a way that is beautiful and not stressful. And when things get urgent or we start running out of time, it's usually the "things" that take priority, leaving us feeling disappointed.
Be intentional! Who are the people you want to connect with before you leave? How do you want to connect with them? When do you need to connect with each person? When you plan that time, make sure you acknowledge that this is likely the last time you'll hang out with them one on one (or in a group). If you don't, then you'll find too many people trying to "squeeze" in last minute hangs that will feel rushed and cause more stress on your remaining days.
Some ideas of how to make it special:
Take pictures! Document the moment.
Hand out "affirmation cards" that have things written out like what you love about that person, what they've taught you, and what your prayer is for them.
Give gifts (maybe even something personal you're getting rid of that they can remember you by)
Be intentional. Have connections that matter. Leave well.