What to Do When You're Stuck
Since fundraising isn't a sprint, but quite often a marathon, it's easy to feel like you're not making much progress at different points in the race. Here are some questions to ask yourself when you feel stuck:
"How did God make His call clear to me when I first thought about this mission?" Going back to your original call and dream serves as a key motivation point for changing your "stuck" mindset to an "unstuck" mindset.
"What strengths do I have that God can use to help me meet new people?" Maybe you're a good story teller, maybe you're a creative writer, maybe you enjoy connecting on social media, or maybe you're a thinker and writing down your thoughts can inspire others to think beyond their world. Focusing on your strengths, and then using them to engage with other people will help you get out of your rut.
" Who can you ask for help?" Quite often we feel alone during fundraising, when there are a number of family and friends who want to be a part of something bigger than their everyday lives. Who are some friends who pray, who are some friends who are social, who are friends who have a heart for missions, who are friends who have administrative gifts or are strong networkers? Ask those friends to contribute something significant to your mission by using their gifts to help you meet other people or communicate vision for your ministry.
Just like in a marathon... there are always people running beside you who want to be a part of a team making an eternal difference in people’s lives. You just need to ask them to run the race with you!