Don’t be discouraged by a “No”

It's easy to be disappointed or discouraged by someone who responds with a "no" to your invitation to partner in ministry. But what if you saw every interaction you had, every email, text, call, meeting - as planting a seed for the Kingdom?

Think of the whole interaction as a process. When you create awareness about the ministry, you're tilling the soil. When you follow up to see if they're interested in hearing more, you're adding fertilizer to the soil. When you share a story about the need in your area of service, it's a seed planted. When you share more about the impact you can have together, you're growing the seed. From there - it is time to just trust the Lord to see your seeds grow to bear fruit.

Just because it's not a yes right away, doesn't mean God isn't moving in their hearts. And just because you were the one who toiled the soil, doesn't mean you'll be the one to bear the fruit. Maybe you are starting the process so that another missionary down the road can bear the fruit. It's God's Kingdom, not ours, but we can all have a part in it. If we choose to be faithful in our work and not expect to reap all the rewards ourselves, we are sure to grow in countless ways.


Pick Up the Phone and Dial


"I'm New to This": 3 Essential Tips for Beginners