Pick Up the Phone and Dial

Hey everybody Abe Lara here with Tailored Fundraising and I've got a tip for you. Not from my coaching days but from when I was actually fundraising for the ministry my wife and I were involved in, and it goes something like this. I you know you've got those times that you've got to make phone calls and set up appointments, but you just gotta work some things out.

You need to research a little more, or learn a better technique or maybe go on Facebook because you want to learn a little bit more about the person that you're going to call. Then you jump over to their Instagram to make sure there's nothing different there and before you know it, you've wasted an hour on social media or reading a book or listening to a podcast or trying to to learn how to do the mechanics of fundraising better.

I ended up getting to a point where I realize this is not helping me. So what I did is I just created a wallpaper that says “Stop procrastinating pick up the phone and dial!” So every time I picked up my phone I'd stare at it and say "stop procrastinating, pick up the phone and dial." That's what you've got to do sometimes. Yes. God's going to be in it. He's going to provide people to you. He's going to preparing their hearts already. But it's a numbers game. You've got to call people! So use this wallpaper below and Stop procrastinating. Pick up the phone and dial. Get back to it.


Inclusive Fundraising: Using the Right Words


Don’t be discouraged by a “No”