Is Your Funding Hiding in Plain Sight?

Over the years, while working with organizations, ministries, and individuals raising money for missions-based causes, we have found, most of them generally have the limiting mindset that they need more donors to raise the funding they lack. They assume they are underfunded because they do not know enough (or the right) people.

But most of the time, we discover that they simply aren’t asking the people they already know to give in the right way (or at all).

We have a new client who has been working with us for about a month to raise funds for his ministry in Germany. Four times this month, he received this incredible response after sending an intro letter and making his follow-up call:

"How cool! We have been feeling led by God to give to missions, but we didn't know where to give or how—and now God has sent you to us!”

This man is raising the funding he has always needed from the people he already knew—just because he finally decided to ASK in the right way.

Raising money is all about understanding how to invite other people to solve a problem with you by taking ownership of the cause together. This response proves what we often tell our clients: God is at work in people's hearts. He has your team out there, you just need to do your part to find them and ask them to partner with you.

If you need assistance in fundraising, contact a member of our Tailored Fundraising Team today to get on our coaching list!


What to Put in Your Newsletter BEFORE Getting to the Field


Some Encouragement for Tired Fundraisers