Some Encouragement for Tired Fundraisers

Do you struggle with the idea of asking boldly for funding?

If you’re human, you probably do.

When our clients struggle with the idea of asking boldly for funds for their ministry, we usually take them to the first 3 chapters in the book of Nehemiah for some encouragement. As we look at the passage together, we ask them these 4 questions:

1. What kind of burden and vision did Nehemiah have?

2. How did Nehemiah approach a major donor (the pagan King Artaxerxes) to share his burden for the Jewish survivors and a special project of re-building the wall? How did he demonstrate boldness?

3. What kind of major donor was King Artaxerxes? (New donor, lapsed donor, or major donor?)

4. When you look at the list of names of the workers that rebuilt the wall in Nehemiah chapter three, what does that tell you about how God uses both major donors and a large list of everyday workers to see a vision come to reality?

After answering these questions for themselves, one of our missionaries wrote this about Nehemiah:

“As I read through Nehemiah 1-3, the main thing that struck me was how often the favor and graciousness of God was mentioned; both in how God acted and how Nehemiah recognized it. Nehemiah 1:8 was the strongest example of this to me:

‘And because the gracious hand of my God was upon men, the king granted my requests.’

This is such a confidence-building reminder to me as we fundraise. Nehemiah had felt the burden, made a passionate case for his burden, did his research and formulated plans—but in the end, it was God's favor on him that guaranteed his success.

This encourages me because I know, with all my heart, that God has called us to serve with our ministry. He has made this evident to my wife and me numerous times and has strengthened our faith as a result. So, as we face the mountain of fundraising, it is challenging, and we have to prepare with all our effort and ability—but in the end, it is God who moves us to will and to act, and who will cause others to partner with us as He deems fit. It gives me courage, confidence, and peace knowing that God will help us.”

- Cody S. (Missionary and Tailored Coaching Client)

Tailored Fundraising Solutions was founded because of this very issue: a desire to make raising funds sustainable (and even enjoyable). Our advisors and coaches have helped thousands of individuals, organizations, and causes raise the money and awareness they need to not only keep their ministries alive—but to keep them thriving. By simply applying our fundraising elements and coaching techniques, our partners continue to multiply their financial resources and physical partnerships year after year. 

If you struggle with asking for funding, check out our e-book, “How to Get a Generous Response (almost) Every Time You Ask” or meet with one of our Tailored Fundraising Coaches today! We believe God has already prepared the hearts of those who will partner with you—you just need to ask boldly!


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