Our Team

Our Team consists of former missionaries with expertise in fundraising. We employ storytellers and relationship-building strategists with a knack for organization.

Each of us has an undeniable passion to see Christ shared throughout the world.

Since each of us is called to make an impact beyond ourselves - whether on the field, leading from home base or investing in others’ work - we see our role as advisors and coaches. We are unequivocally committed to uniting you with the mission-minded individuals - just like yourself - who are ready to support your vision for ministry. They just need to be asked.

Our partnerships are with missionaries on the field, small yet active teams of individuals, and leaders of non-profit organizations large and small. In each case, we build strategic funding plans and craft powerful stories that clearly communicate shared opportunities for impact so that funding partners are compelled to invest long term.

Russell Cooper
Founder and CEO

Jessica Stewart
Fundraising Coach

Susie Berner
Lead Coach,
Business Development

John Mark Perdue
Fundraising Coach

Mariava Phillips
Fundraising Coach

Patrick Hasty
Fundraising Coach

Julie Morgenstern
Fundraising Coach

Andrew Phillips
Director of Strategy

Deb Evans
Lead Coach,
FC Trainer

Bennie Gonzales
Fundraising Coach,
Business Development

Tiffany Burnett
Marketing Director

MaryAnne Ashley
Fundraising Coach

Brittany Simburger
Fundraising Coach